Vaman Panchkarma

Ayurveda suggest to do Vaman Therapy in this particular season to remove excessive accumulated Kapha from Body.
This Panchkarma therapy helps to gain Body strength and Immunity and balance dosha-dhatus and Mala. And prepare d body to enjoy next coming seasons.

Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments, which can be practiced as preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy as per the need.

Ayurveda emphasized to practice Vamana in Vasant RutuVirechana in Sharad RutuBasti inVarsha Rutu for preservation and promotion of health and prevention of disease.

Vasantika Vamana is highly beneficial for volunteers of Kapha and Kapha-Pitta constitution and patients suffering from Kapha disorders and associated Pitta disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of Kapha.

Vaman  Indications (Yogya  Rugna) – (who can take Vamana Panchkarma ?)

Acidity, Burning Sensation in chest, Indigestion, Rajyakshma(T.B.), respiratory congestion, bronchitis, sinus congestion, chronic cold,  Diarrhea, Dysentery, Bleeding through lower external  orifices  , Boils, Cancer, Medorog, Lipid Disorders, Arteriosclerosis,  Obesity, Thyroid, Psychiatric diseases,  Fits, Asthama, Cough(Chronic /Acute), Nausea, All Skin Diseases, Anaemia, Eye Diseases, Oral cavity Diseases, Nasal Diseases, Headache, Migraine, Edema(swelling), Lactation  Disorders(Feeding Problems), Ear Disorders,  lethargy, laziness, lack of inclination for work, lack of co-ordination in sense organs, Fatigue, Weakness, tiredness without any reason, laziness, Body ache, Heaviness, low appetite,  All Kapha and Pitta Diseases, Early stage of Fever,Pitta imbalance in lower part of abdomen, itching and burning sensation ,  herpes, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, Goitre, tumour, fibroid , Elephantiasis, Filariasis, Schizophrenia, Shwasa – Chronic Respiratory tract disease, continuous nausea, Anorexia, lack of taste, Vitiated breast milk, Eruption of pimples, urticaria, itching, Foul smell of the body, sleeplessness or excessive sleep, drowsiness, weak sense organs, impotency, loss of strength and complexion in spite of the intake of nutritious diet.