In Ayurveda, it is called as ‘Grudhrasi’.
It is set of symptoms including pain, weakness, numbness or tingling sensation originating from low back to back of leg.
It is caused due to injury to or compression of sciatic nerve.
It occurs usually in late thirties of age.
The sciatic nerve is longest nerve which runs from spinal cord to hip area and down the back of each leg.
This nerve controls many muscles of leg.
Sciatica develop when a nerve root is compressed in lumbar spine (lower spine) often as a result of herniated disc in lower back.
- Slipped disk
- Degenerative disk disease
- Pelvic injury or fracture
- Lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowing of area in spine)
- Pain – radiating from low back to buttock and back of thigh and calf
- Numbness – along nerve pathway in leg or foot
- Weakness – muscular weakness
- Tingling sensation – often in toes or part of foot
- Rarely – loss of bladder or bowel control
- SLR (straight leg rising) – pain down leg by lifting the leg straight up off the examining table
- Blood test
- X-ray
- Basti
- Snehan-Swedan
- Pindswed
- Katibasti
- As per Doshas therapy changes
Above Panchkarma Therapies are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center
YOGA- (Only Under Expert Spervision)
- Supta padangustasana (reclining big toe pose) – with a strap to stretch your Hamstring muscle
- Adomukha shwanasana ( downward facing dog pose) – come down on all four limbs, keep your back extreme straight
- Bharadwajasana
- Bhujangasana ( cobra pose)
Above Yoga advice available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center
- Guggul – it has anti inflammatory property. Sciatic nerve becomes relaxed.
- Rasana – brings comfort during shearing pain caused by sciatica.
- And many other medicines should be taken as per Ayurved Doctor’s advice
– Dr. Amruta Kulkarni
All Type of treatments and Panchkarma for Sciatica are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594