Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes severe inflammation in the airways. During an asthma attack, the airways in the lungs become inflamed, constricting air flow. Symptoms include wheezing and coughing, sometimes combined with a feeling of constriction in the chest. Asthma “attacks” are usually triggered by environmental factors, as is the case with inhaled allergens like pollen or pollution, and in some cases due to food allergies.
In Ayurveda, one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, asthma is known as Shwasa. The vitiated ‘Pranvayu’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the ‘Pranavaha srotasa'(Respiratory passage). This results in gasping and labored breathing. This condition is known as Shwas Roga.
In today’s stressful modern urbanized living, incidence of Asthma is considerably increasing. Every now and then we come across patients of Asthma seeking Ayurvedic treatment and advice. This is because of the versatile approach of Ayurveda to root cause of the problem and its belief in preventing the disease rather than treating it to reduce symptoms. Ayurvedic medicine offers therapies that reduce the symptoms or even help to eliminate asthma over time, helping to control the chronic condition.
- Excess use of heavily digested and irritant food.
- Excessive use of black grams, raw milk, soar curd, excess salt, flesh of aquatic and wet land animals.
- Excessive use of ‘Ruksha'(dry) and ‘Guru'(heavy) diet,
- Use of cold water and cold drinks.
- Use of ‘Abhishandi'(Kapha producing) diet,
- Excess exposure to dust and smoke.
- Excessive cold air, cold bath or excessive heat, sun bath.
- Exhaustive exercise, walking, excessive sexual activities.
- Suppression of natural urges
- Psychological factors
- Trauma to vital organs like – chest, throat
- Association with other diseases like –
Fever, Long standing common cold, Tuberculosis , Anaemia, Heart disease, Poisoning etc.
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Chest tightness
- Wheezing (a whistling or squeaky sound in your chest when you breathe, especially when exhaling)
Asthma, from an Ayurvedic perspective, is primarily a Kapha (water) dosha syndrome.
- Kapha-type asthma has symptoms of cough and wheezing with abundant clear or white phlegm. The lungs will be full of water, producing a crackling or rattling sound. Attacks occur during morning and evening.
- Secondly asthma is usually associated with the Pitta (fire) dosha. Pitta-type asthma involves coughing and wheezing with yellow phlegm. Other symptoms include fever, sweating, irritability, and a need for cool air. Attacks come around noon and midnight.
- Vata dosha–type of asthma has symptoms of dry cough and wheezing, dry mouth, dry skin, thirst, constipation, anxiety, and craving for warm drinks. Attacks occur mostly at dawn and dusk.
The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to rebalance doshas and integrate the body, mind, and spirit. A variety of techniques and products are used to cleanse the body and restore balance. These Ayurvedic treatments are grounded in concepts of universal interconnectedness of the body’s physical and psychological characteristics (prakriti) and life energies (doshas). ( Amruta Ayurved’s Doctor will find your prakruti). An imbalance in a dosha will produce symptoms that are specific to that dosha.
Treatment using the Ayurvedic approach is determined by the particular dosha imbalance experienced by the asthmatic individual. Patients need to actively participate and be willing to alter diet, lifestyle, and habits for treatments to be effective. Treatments include reducing symptoms, eliminating impurities, reducing anxiety, increasing disease resistance, and increasing harmony in the patient’s life.
- Panchakarmais used to cleanse the body by eliminating doshas that interferes with healthy functioning of the body. Panchakarma focuses on both the digestive and respiratory systems. Vaman, Basti, massage, medicated oils/medicine administered in a Nasya (nasal spray) and other methods may be used as per suggestion of Amruta Ayurved’s doctor. (proper advice for panchkama is required)
- Some dietary changes, physical exercises, stretching, breathing exercises, meditation, massage
- Medicines/tonics to improve digestion, increase appetite and immunity.
All Type of Ayurveda treatments and medicines for Asthma are available at Amruta Ayurved Panchkarma Center, Thane, Mumbai, India. Mob – 9869105594
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